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Washington Ranks 10th in States with Most Cybercrime

A record number of Americans reported being a victim of cybercrime in 2023, with complaints up 10% over the previous year, and a predicted 20% increase in losses. The losses are projected to surpass 12 billion. Even though these numbers seem startling, the FBI Executive Assistant Director claims these are conservative estimates, and cybercrimes are likely even more prevalent than these predictions.

Washington Ranked 10th among states with the most reported cybercrime, with a total of 14,600 complaints in 2023. The total losses added up to 290 million. The other states ranked highest in cybercrime complaints are:

  1. California
  2. Texas
  3. Florida
  4. New York
  5. Ohio
  6. Arizona
  7. Pennsylvania
  8. Illinois
  9. Michigan
  10. Washinton

The top reported crime type was phishing/spoofing, followed by personal data breach and nonpayment/non-delivery. You can see the full list of complaints by crime type in the chart below, reported by the Federal Bureau of Investigation Internet Crime Report 2023.

The 60+ age group had the largest reported complaints (101,068), along with the largest reported losses ($3.4 billion), followed by the 30-39 age group with 88,138 complaints and a total of $1.2 billion losses. These statistics demonstrate that cybercrime can happen to anyone, regardless of age or experience.

The best way to stay protected against cybercrime is to stay educated, be cautious and to invest in personal cyber insurance. Personal cyber coverage is most often affordable coverage and can help keep you and your family safe against all sorts of cybercrime, including cyber extortion, cyber financial fraud, cyber breach of privacy, cyber bullying, identity theft and more. As your trusted insurance advisor, we want to make sure you stay protected in all facets of your life, including the evolving online world. To discuss your personal cyber options, please text or call us at 360-514-9550 and we are happy to explore your options with you.