Celebrate Flag Day with Davidson & Associates Insurance!
Friday, June 14th we celebrate Flag Day and show our strong commitment to our community.
Flag Day honors and commemorates the Flag’s adoption on June 14th, 1777. Many years later, in 1916, President Woodrow Wilson issued a presidential proclamation establishing a national Flag Day on June 14th. Although Flag Day is not an official federal holiday (except in Pennsylvania where Flag Day is considered a legal holiday) it is a day to celebrate and honor the adoption of the Flag.
Free Flag Pick up:
With support from our partner, Grange Insurance, Davidson & Associates is holding a free community Flag pick up. If you are in need of a US Flag, we invite to schedule a time to pick up a free 3x5 Flag from our office, 11112 NE 51st Circle Vancouver, WA 98682, by emailing info [at] davidsoninsurance [dot] com. Flags will be available for pick up on Monday June 14th or 21st from 1:30-3:00pm or Thursday June 17th or 24th from 9:00-10:30am.
For questions, please contact Cassie Guthmiller at info [at] davidsoninsurance [dot] com or (360) 514-9550.
*While supplies last, one flag per family.