This month Davidson & Associates Insurance are excited to partner with the Clark County chapter of Teach One to Lead One® (T1L1)! This organization works to have a lasting and positive impact on at-risk youth in our area. Teach One to Lead One® is dedicated to changing at-risk kids’ life trajectory. At-risk students are less likely

to graduate and more likely to engage in illegal activity. Many of these children grow up in abusive environments and learn negative behavior early on. T1L1 has created a team of devoted volunteer mentors that guides students towards a more purposeful path by helping them to reach their potential as responsible citizens. Through programs, materials and personal relationships with mentors, T1L1 is on a mission to help young people “build lives of integrity, create positive relationships, stand strong in healthy habits, and multiply their influence among their peers.”
Since 1996, T1L1 has been taking the risk away from at-risk kids by reaching out and into the lives of 36,000 vulnerable youth around the world. Qualified mentors enter

classrooms, offering a positive influence in the lives of their students. The Clark County chapter is active at six public schools. It is there compassion, enthusiasm and dedication that has helped change the lives of 2,400 at-risk youth in Clark County. Thank you, Teach One to Lead One® for delivering effective mentoring to our kids!