During the month of August, Davidson and Associates Insurance is proud to be partnering with Council for the Homeless. The Council for the Homeless is dedicated to helping everyone in Clark County have the opportunity

for safe and affordable housing. Their mission is to lead the community’s efforts to prevent and end homelessness. Founded in 1989, this nonprofit organization leads the community’s efforts to positively impact Vancouver’s homeless population in a variety of ways. They work tirelessly with social service providers, government, faith communities, educators, businesses and more to identify and implement solutions to homelessness. Their role includes the following:
- Operating the Housing Solutions Center, which includes the Housing Hotline, placing people in available emergency shelter, assessments for housing programs and rental assistance to prevent homelessness, navigation to access other community resources, working with landlords, and community voicemail.
- Coordinating the emergency winter overflow shelter known as the Winter Hospitality Overflow.
- Facilitating the Coalition of Service Providers.
- Administering the Homeless Management Information system, which collects homeless service data used to monitor trends and evaluate strategies.
- Educating and advocating for best practice solutions to prevent and end homelessness in Clark County.
As you can see, Council for the Homeless has been doing incredible work in its efforts to end homelessness in our area and provide the people of Clark County with shelter. Thank you for all that you do!
Ways you can help:
- Encourage people to call the Housing Hotline 360-695-9677 if they need help with emergency shelter or housing.
- If you have a room, apartment, or house to rent to someone in a housing assistance program, please contact Charlene Welch at cwelch [at] councilforthehomeless [dot] org
- Volunteer your time or Donate to the cause!
- Encourage people within your personal and professional circles to donate.